I've been playing Tetris with my belongings for the past hour or so. Now that everything fits, I'm playing the oh-crap-I-forgot-about-the-weight-limit-and-this-weighs-waaay-over-50lbs-I-need-to-repack-everything-so-I-don't-get-charged-$50- UGH game. It's not very fun, thus here I am, writing.
Today is my last day in the Philippines but it really didn't & still doesn't feel like it. While walking around earlier, I kept reminding myself that what I was seeing, smelling, hearing were things that would not frolic with my senses anymore on a daily basis, that it would be at least a year before I was back in PI. As a emotional & sentimental person that gets ridiculously attached to places, people & things, I expected to be a blubbering, nostalgic idiot on the side walk, strolling & sniffling. But I wasn't, and I think I know why now. It's because I know I'll be back. There is no doubt in my mind that I will come back to Asia. It's like visiting a friend down the street (except that street is an ocean... minor detail)- you're going to see them later, so why be upset?
Nonetheless, it is strange to realize that I'm leaving tomorrow. I still remember when I first arrived in September. I masked my nerves & terror with idle, babbling chatter when my Aunt picked me up from the airport. Now, 5 countries, 15 flights & a little over 100 postcards later, here I am- 3 months older and (hopefully) a bit wiser. I set out to discover & learn, and I can confidently report that I have done both. It's been a mixed bag of experiences, most of them good but admittedly some bad, and I don't regret anything (maybe except for not going to a wedding, but that story deserves it's own post). Friend, if you have not yet gone on your own journey abroad, I hope that you do. The world is amazing (understatement), and you need to meet it.
And now it's time to get back to packing. Asia, it's been real. Real AWESOME. Thank you for the whirlwind adventures! Can't wait to see you again!
Oh! And this is cool: I fly out of Manila on December 14th at 805am, and I arrive in California on December 14th at 805am. Ohhhhh time difference!
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