I'M IN NEW YORK! And it is beyond awesome to be back. The past week has been a delightful whirlwind of catching up, friends, food, city exploring, oddly cool-sweater-weather-for-May... I love this city. Job applying, however, has been a pain in the ass, as the process usually is, but I have some interviews and my fingers and toes are all crossed. Job gods, please smile upon me. I swear I'm nice and that I have great work ethic! But anyway, a summary in photos:

I'm currently staying with a good friend from high school in Washington Heights. She has graciously given me this room with a spectacular view. I just realized that I'm actually looking at New Jersey and not NYC, but whatever. It's still gorgeous. I'm pretty sad that I'll only be living here 2 months.

 | So my friends here love to have group dinners and cooking in general. In fact, on my first day here my roomie had fresh baked scones and cinnamon rolls to greet me. DELICIOUS. I've acknowledged that I will probably gain several pounds due to all her cooking and my food appreciation... Hopefully the walking culture of NY will cancel that inevitability out... But yea, pictured are a pizza we baked and our belated Cinco de Mayo meal of sweet corn tamales, stuffed chilies, beans, freshly made tortillas & chips, and strawberry daqs. MMMMM! |
Spent a day exploring ad wandering with my best friend, Steve! We walked from the West Village (like, West 4th street) to Midtown West (around 60th). While I do miss being able to drive my car while listening and singing along horribly to embarrassing music, walking everywhere has been the BEST.

Checked out the Senior Thesis shows for my friends at Fordham. Couldn't be prouder or more impressed with their work and talent!

Prom party at my old apartment! It was admittedly strange to be there while recalling the memories of last year's party, and I was sad that my other roommate from back in the day was absent, but it was a good time. Everyone looked classy & everyone was happy, all while dancing away to 90's music. WINNING.

I really love being here again. I'm home!
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