Tuesday, November 16, 2010


And I'm back in the airport. Some people I know loathe airports, but I love them, which I suppose is a good thing, given how often I've been in them over the past 2 months. It's such a limbo and transitional space. You're not home anymore, but you're not at your destination yet. You're waiting at some point in between. The waiting can be a nice time to think and people watch (people transform into entirely different creatures in airports! I've seen businessmen dissolve into tears upon discovering their flight was overbooked. And best friends, who were earlier gushing over how much fun they're going to have at x destination, get into heated verbal duals over who will get the window seat because, "damnit, Theresa, you always get the window! You're such an only child!"). Or it can be annoying with children screaming (I do love kids but that is not cute) for candy from the duty free, and obnoxious tourists taking flash photos in your face to remember their exciting (?) time spent at the boarding gate. Yea. Airports are interesting places.

I'm heading to Dumaguete now on the island of Negros. The only research that I've done on this place was hostel-related, so I really have no idea what to expect. Other than constant rain (yay, typhoon season!). And that I have to visit the twin lakes and go to a certain awesome restaurant, both enthusiastically suggested by my Auntie, who at this point I have learned to trust with anything travel-related.

I have a month left of my travels, which is pretty ridiculous to realize. A month left and I'm back home in the states. Weeeeeird. A month left of denial & avoidance of the real world. And then- A JOB. Ewww. I must say though, after this extended vacation, and after spending pretty much all my savings, I'm looking forward to getting into the working grind again. It's been strange not working actually, after holding down 2 jobs in college. The idleness has been and continues to be a bit unnerving. I always feel like I need to be doing something, preferably something (legally) for money. I'm sure I'll feel relieved once I get back to work. And then I'll get restless and wanderlustful again. Grass is always greener!

Okay, flight is boarding. And really, I will write about Japan.

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