So, Thanksgiving may be a nonexistent holiday in Asia, and my final Thursday of November will be without sweet potatoes, silly family feuds & pumpkin pie (with a large dollop of whipped cream!), but I can and still want to give thanks. Particularly this past year, I have a lot to be thankful for. Too much, really. Here's a short list, in no particular order:
1. Cartwheels. They're happy and I have great memories associated with doing them.
2. Good pens. There really is nothing like a good pen. I'm a nerd.
3. Colors. I've discovered so many new colors abroad, colors I never knew existed! They're all amazing & have given me a greater appreciation for nature.
4. Engaging conversations. Because they're a whole lot better than boring ones. And learning more about a person, getting to know someone is the best.
5. Whirlwind adventures. Self explanatory.
6. Loved ones. I LOVE ALL OF YOU.
7. The Internet. I LOVE ALL OF IT.
8. Languages. Communication is a beautiful thing. Common language & understanding is something that I've taken for granted for many years. Language barriers have been quite the obstacle over the past few months. But, what I once found daunting & isolating, I now find fascinating & wonderful. Different languages, even if I don't understand them, are amazing.
9. Creativity. Creativity will always be at the top of my list. Symphonies, novels, photographs, knitted scarves... people are creating such lovely things everyday, all the time! The world couldn't function without it!
10. Bicycles. My bike is the one material thing that I miss the most back in the States. Biking everywhere, everyday in the Bronx was the greatest!
So those are a few of them. What are you thankful for?
happy thanksgiving beans!!! if you were still in nyc, you would be eating delish turkey with all the fixings, and a 4-course dessert that includes pumpkin pie (with your large dollop of cool whip), pecan pie, lemon bars, and jello. we miss you a lot and hope youre having a fantastic time m'love! <3 <3 <3 <3 x infinity.